the Science Behind CottonTouch

This blog post is sponsored by Johnson’s® about their CottonTouch™ line, but all words and thoughts are my own.

Lindsey kissing Claire in front of the sink

Babies taking sink baths has always been one of my favorites! It’s so fun to get to see Claire reliving the sink bath days that I enjoyed here so much with Finn! I was so thrilled when @johnsonsbaby reached out to tell me that they had an amazing new shampoo and lotion line that was made to be extra gentle and designed specifically for newborn’s delicate skin! It’s called CottonTouch™ and it’s clinically proven mild and safe for fragile, sensitive newborn skin and I couldn’t love it anymore!

For me, it is so important to use products on my kids that are gentle and safe. CottonTouch™ is mild and designed for the fragile and sensitive skin of newborns. They are hypoallergenic and do not contain dyes, fragrance allergens, sulfates, or other harsh ingredients that I always try to steer clear of!

Lindsey and Claire

Did you know that touch is a baby’s most developed sense at birth? Touch activates pleasure centers in the brain and lowers a baby’s heart rate. That’s why Johnson’s has created a product inspired by the softness of cotton to encourage more touch, interaction, and bonding with your baby!

The formula is made to be easy-rinsing and fast-absorbing, leaving no residue behind. CottonTouch™ also helps make the baby’s skin less slippery, so parents and babies can have more tickles, cuddles, giggles, and confidence!

There’s nothing I love more than a good smelling baby! After bathing in the sink, Claire and I had some good snuggles with the lingering scent of Johnson’s CottonTouch™! Check out other Johnson’s baby products we love.

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the science behind CottonTouch™
the science behind Johnson's CottonTouch™
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