Rainbows, Unicorns & Yetis, Oh My!

I am so excited about launching our new Rainbow Unis and Yeti collection and sharing these sweet designs in the Shop! As I have been capturing each and every one of these unique pieces and their beauty, I began to realize that this line holds a special place in my heart. Six months ago, my team and I were brainstorming these ideas while I was in the hospital with precious Claire and it was in the NICU where this sweet collection came to life. This was an extremely difficult time as a mother learning how to navigate being present at the hospital as well as being present with my children at home. Many tears where shed on those long hospitals drives as my heart longed to finally be able to bring my baby girl home.

On one of the many drives I took, it was always raining or finishing up raining and a beautiful rainbow would appear. As I gazed up at the rainbow it filled my heart with so much comfort and I knew it was a promise for my Claire. I would gather my kids and tell them, “Look! It’s a rainbow for Claire!” These rainbows brought me so much peace and I knew that it was a beautiful symbol of hope that marked the moment we stepped into Claire’s journey. These baby unicorns, rainbows and yetis are such sweet things for me to look at because they remind my heart that out of the difficult places beautiful things are birthed.  So as you welcome these sweet pieces into your home, just know that they come with an extra special story because Claire is our rainbow girl and this is her special line. Head over to the Live Sweet Loves group to shop our whole line now!

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