Project Life 365

I am not a big resolution maker but I do like to set a few goals at the beginning of the year for a bit of a fresh start. Pictures are obviously a huge part of my life but sometimes I forget to photograph my own family in our daily life doing all the little things that are most important to us. I want to make that a priority this year. This will be a big year for us and I want to make sure we have lots of pictures to look back on to remember all of the big and little moments. After doing some looking around I decided to sign up for Project Life 365 to help motivate me and keep me accountable to do at least one picture a day for the whole year. So far I am loving it, each day there is a new word to inspire you to photograph something in your life. Anyone can sign up so if you are looking for a bit of a creative challenge with daily life pictures and a place to connect with lots of other fantastic people trying to do the same take a peek at their blog. I am going to try and post my weeks pictures here on Mondays to share with you and hopefully inspire you all to capture some of your daily life!

Day 1: Resolution– Take more pictures of my family in our daily life

Day 2: You Today– Cuddling up with my boo on this cold winter day and wearing my comfy Toms

Day 3: Optimistic– Looking forward to God bringing our little sweetheart home to us soon!

Day 4: Graceful– Reading about how to become Grace Full as we prepare for our little sweetheart who will have the wonderful middle name of Grace!

Day 5: View– My sweet, sweet sleeping baby, oh how I love him!

Day 6: Still Life– Tomorrow we find out the day our little sweetheart with be born! I can hardly stand it, so excited!


I post my daily pictures on Instagram so if you have an account and would like to follow me daily simply find me under photographybyui!

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