It has been quite a birthday celebration at our house this week as we celebrated our sweet Finny’s third birthday! I can’t believe that it’s already been three years since God brought this handsome little boy into our lives. To his mommy make me so proud! I remember exploring Florida with Phil, Noah, and Libby while waiting for the call that he had been born. I was so excited, yet anxious at the same time! And then it happened!! We got the call that our family had grown by one beautiful baby boy. My heart melted. Finn was such a bright-eyed boy right from day one and brought so much love to our family.

As I look back during Finn’s birthday, I can see that today he is the sweetest, outdoor adventuring, bicycling loving, snuggle bug I ever laid eyes on. It is funny to see how well he fits into our family. God gave him curls like me and an adventuring spirit like his daddy. This boy has a crazy love for his brother and sisters. It’s been so beautiful to see their bond blossom throughout the years. Everyone’s story of becoming a family is different and I wouldn’t change one thing about ours. We are so thankful that God knew how much we needed this sweet little boy in our lives and that he’s ours to love forever and ever. Happy Birthday, Finn!

Check out some other posts on how we celebrate our kids’ birthdays!