Happy 1st Birthday Pampers Pure!!

This blog post is sponsored by pampers but all words and ideas are my own.

We love pampers pure

Oh my word sweet Claire just keeps getting cuter and cuter! We are celebrating a year of @pamperspure! I am so thankful for this amazing brand and gentle protection for my babies! I feel like Pampers Pure has truly changed the way I feel about diapers and wipes. In the past, I always longed for something better for my babies, but not anymore! If you haven’t tried @pamperspure yet I strongly recommend giving them a try. They are the softest diaper I have ever felt, they provide amazing protection and are the gentlest on my babies’ skin. Hooray for soft, healthy bums and babies!

Congratulations Pampers on your pure line

Pampers Pure diapers offer Unbeatable Skin Care and Dryness (based on Honest size 4 diapers). They are made with plant-derived materials and are clinically proven hypoallergenic and gentle for baby’s delicate skin! Finn used to suffer from diaper rashes before Pampers Pure existed and in the last year, he hasn’t had any problems! That makes this mama’s heart so happy! We all hate to see our babies in pain especially when it’s something when we can help avoid. Sweet Claire has been wearing Pampers Pure from day one. I’m excited to say we have had almost zero leaks and the least diaper rashes of all the kids!

Claire and a box of pampers pure

Whenever any of my friends are having babies I always say without a doubt Pampers Pure is my only choice when it comes to diapers and wipes for our babies!  That’s why we are excited to say Happy 1st Birthday to Pampers Pure!

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