Free Live Sweet Bakery Printable Set!

We are so excited to share our new free live sweet bakery printables set! This bakery set includes sweet pastel signs, coupons, name tags, play money, placemats, play money, and more! When you laminate each page, items can be circled with a dry erase marker and reused! You can also print name tags on sticker paper, although we found that a pin worked great.  These print on 8.5 x 11″ paper. 

To access these free bakery printables head to our app and sign up! Once you are signed up head to the three lines in the top left corner, go to topics, then go to mom life and the free printables will be under that topic!

Your kids will surely love these and they are just so fun to have and play with! I remember when i was little and loves playing with fake money and food. If your kiddos are like this they will love these fun bakery printables!

We hope you love these fun printables and make sure to let us know! You can either comment here, comment in our new community, or tag me on Instagram @livesweet! Heres a fun recipe you can make with you kids and can have them use with their play money!

Look at how adorable this little menu is from the play pretend bakery printables set! Your little can color in the Live Sweet piggy, do a word search and play pic-tac-toe! I know I would have been so excited to do these things at home after learning about them in restaurants! I loved them so much!

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