What I have been waiting for!!

So I don’t even know how to announce this here for you to know how unbelievably excited we are, but I will try!! We have been matched, these are the words that I have been so anxious to hear!! We found out last Friday that we have a baby girl due in February down in Florida!!  It is truly a blessing for things to have happened so quickly for us and we are feeling complete joy at this incredible news. So now things happen fast, lots to get ready and prepare for, a possible trip to Florida in the next few weeks to take care of some details and then home to get ready for the holidays and then back down to Florida to meet our precious little sweetheart in the new year, I can’t believe it!!!

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  • StephanieCongratulations Lindsey! Such wonderful news – we are so thrilled for you!

  • LoriYeah. I am so excited for you. I can’t wait to meet our newest family member.

  • Elisabeth DeFazioI am so happy for you. You are one of my most favorite people in the world and i am so overjoyed. God Bless this little angel.

  • LindseyThank you all so much!! I am so thankful to have so many to rejoice with!!

  • AvenleaWe are very excited for you!

  • KristinaHappy beyond words for you 🙂

  • Taber FamilyYou’ll love having a little girl! Congratulations!!!