UI’s Favorite Portrait Contest Portrait 23

The rules: You can vote by leaving a comment under you favorite portrait only once a day but you can have anyone and everyone vote for your favorite portraits so send everyone over to the UI Blog. You can go back and vote everyday for the same portrait or portraits if you have not changed your mind so stop by daily and leave a comment. The portrait with the most votes and the portrait with the most unique comment will be the winners!

To vote you must leave a comment under the post of your favorite portraits. Each comment left will count as one vote and which ever portrait has the most votes at the end of January wins! We will also have a second winner which will be chosen by whichever portrait has the most unique comment that tells about why you love UI so be creative ladies and gentlemen!

Since we have so many images competing against each other this year the prizes are better than ever, the portrait with the most comments & the portrait with the most unique comment will both win a $100 gift card to UI & one of our very own 6×6 handmade and painted frames with a chalkboard inside (so awesome right)!

But wait theres more! We have been having lots of fun coming up with tons of sweet gifts for you this year and will be giving the portraits with the 2nd & 3rd most votes a fun handmade cotton bag full of cute and sweet goodies from UI!

So what are you waiting for, get voting and ask all of your family and friends to do the same, we can’t wait to hear what you all have to say. The race is on!
Love UI

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  • Keli CooperWhen Linsday said she chose a picture of our little girl for the photo contest, I was hoping it was this one. It is my absolute favorite of all the ones she has taken of Sophie over the years. It captures an innocent, yet mischievous look that we are all to familiar with. Thank you, Lindsay!

  • Annie BleuerLove it! Can’t believe she is so big!

  • JenLove this picture!! Can’t believe how big she has gotten so big! :):) adorable!

  • Mike CooperLove this pic too! Her eyes look so blue.

  • Colleen MondolfiThis photo of Sophie is adorable!

  • Stacey DiRenzoShe is such a beautiful little girl. What a nice picture.

  • Lori GustinisShe is such a doll! What a fantastic photo!

  • Suellen SheardThis picture is awesome! 🙂

  • Jackie MarinoffThis is one of the best photos I’ve ever seen of Sophie!! What a warm and loving smile she has. I wish that I could someday get to meet her. God Bless you Sophie :O)

  • Matt BrielVery beautiful portrait! She is going to be a heart breaker! Love this one!

  • Steph LisioGorgeous kid you have there! =)

  • Keli CooperThanks, Jackie! It is one of my favorites 🙂

  • Lisa ColeKeli and Mike your daugther Sophia is so beautiful she has her mommies beautiful face and her daddys blues eyes she is so photogenic love this picture of her looks so natural.

  • AnneGreat pic!!!!

  • Cathy CooperShe is beautiful!

  • Lori CannyLove this picture , shes such a cutie ♥

  • GinaBeautiful picture! It looks like a photo that would come in new frame!

  • Sandi CoghlanWhat a beautiful little picture of our granddaughter, Sophie. She is sweet… Lindsay took an awesome picture.

  • Penny McKayThose blue eyes would melt ice cream in the summer.

  • Jackie MarinoffI sure hope Sophie wins this contest cause she sure is a beauty :O)

  • Sandra CoghlanCome on, can she Sophie get any cuter?

  • Nancy LajoieLove…Love this picture! very natural.

  • Ginger BunnSophie is just as beautiful as her picture. What a combination! Beauiful on the inside as well as the outside.

  • jeff coghlanThe wheels are always turning:)

  • Charles BaconWhen you see Sophie, you see a little girl in a beautiful dress that looked like it was taken from a bygone era and brought to the present, to be placed on this blonde,ringlette haired blessing from God! She graces us with her adorable presence every time we see her. I don’t think a bad picture could be taken of her, because she is a natural! May God bless you kid! 😉

  • Sandi CoghlanOh, what a beautiful doll baby!

  • Sandi CoghlanOh! what a beautiful picture….Oh! what a beautiful smile….Oh! what a beautiful girl…Oh! Sophie has a curious look!

  • Keli cooperWow! I can’t wait for Sophie to read all of these beautiful comments from everyone. Thank you! We are so blessed!

  • Mike cooperSooo pretty!

  • Jeff coghlanBoppa’s favorite kid:)

  • Keli CooperSophie read all of the comments yesterday, and you should have seen the smile on her face. Guess I should have had her at Lindsey’s so she could have captured the moment. I hope everyone else in the contest has their children read/hear the comments. What a wonderful self esteem boost for them! Once again, many thanks to Lindsey…

  • Nancy ChierWhat a beautiful picture of a beautiful little girl! She must be looking at mommy and daddy!

  • Colleen MondolfiSophie is such a natural! Beautiful Smile and Beautiful Eyes.

  • Ashlee WoollisThis little girl is just gorgeous. I LOVE having her as a student! She is one of the sweetest, most polite little girls I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She always brings a smile to my face!

  • Val DavisSophie is as adorable and beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside! I just love her so much! She is a true treasure:)

  • Lori TolsonWhat a beautiful child with personality emanating from her infectious smile! The hope of America shines in this child!

  • Allycia brownSo pretty!! 🙂

  • bevBeautiful ,she is so sweet !!!

  • Jacqueline A. MarinoffSweetest little darlin with the sweetest Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Sandi :O)

  • Lori jacksonShe is very cute. Love the picture.

  • Penny BaconSophie is so pretty!!! Nice picture.Cute smile and reading Kelly’s earlier post I can see what she means by Sophie mischievous look.

  • Annewhere can I get a pretty pink dress like that

  • Kimberly jacksonSooo cute god bless u all

  • Gayle BeckmanShe such a beautiful little girl. It is always nice to see how she has grown. Love the look.

  • Mr. Ben TinschSophie, you are very beautiful and Jesus loves you very much! Keep reading your Bible. Love, Mr. Ben

  • Sandi CoghlanSophie’s smile is worth a million dollars to me….it just melts my heart…

  • gail lisieskyA beautiful litte young lady, with a personality that goes right along with it.

  • Keli CooperI love this girl 🙂

  • Jen OBrienThis is just marvelous

  • Jen OBrienBeautiful!

  • Char FranceBeautiful… this picture really captures Sophie’s personality.

  • Maureen GuzewiczAn amazing picture that captures the beauty of a terrific young lady. Way to go Sophie.

  • Colleen MondolfiThis photo of Sophie is definitely a winner!

  • Kim BogartSuch an adorable picture. Sophie is just beautiful!!!

  • Kathy M.What a precious sweet girl! Beautiful picture

  • Lori jacksonShe is such a blessing. She has a heart of gold and the love of jesus in her heart. She looks like a princess of the most high king. Love it. 

  • Carrie EnyartAbsolultely beautiful photo of sweet Sophie!

  • Jody MillerSo sweet!!

  • Alicia AbbadessaSophie is truly a beautiful girl inside and out. Her smile lights up the room and her innocence is precious. What a blessing to all that know her and are blessed to be in her and her families lives.She is a true example of what FAITH, FAMILY and FRIENDS is all about!

  • Michelle CooperBeautiful!!!!!

  • AlannaI always wondered how she had me wrapped so tight around her little finger…look at that face!!!!

  • Dorn BlackGreat picture, Sophie is adorable

  • April RauscherThis is a beautiful picture of sophie. If you are not feeling well a smile from Sophie will warm you up and put a smile on you face.

  • Marnie CoyleWhat a doll! Her eyes are so beautiful!!

  • Hope MolloThe sparkle in Sophies eyes and her beautiful smile light up any room she is in. UI captured both!

  • Lori TolsonThe hope for America dances in the eyes of this child!

  • Kelly BurkeBeautiful picture of Sophie! Nola loves your “piggie toes” Sophie!

  • Jerry McGreevySophie is a precious little girl,always great pictures.. filled with Love and even better the Lord is in her heart….

    Great Uncle Jerry

  • PatAn adorable little girl with a beautiful heart and matching personality. The “Light of God” just shines through her.

  • Kathy FWhat a beautiful portrait of Sophie! You’ve captured her little girl look but oh! it makes me wonder what she’s thinking about to bring such a twinkle to her eyes!

  • sandyThe photographer definitely captured Sophie’s personality. The twinkle in those big blue eyes and beautiful smile are amazing.

  • Debby CoyleBeautiful Sohie…….she looks “Heavenly”!! Love to all

  • Michelle MillerThis just may be my all-time favorite pic of Sophie Leigh!

  • Rebecca McManusADORABLE!!!

  • Nikki PostSophie, this is such a beautiful picture of you! I love it.

  • Betsy BryantLove this picture of Sophie! Bare feet NEVER go out of style!

  • Nicole ColumbiaSophie is one of the most sweetiest and loveable child you will meet. She loves with all her heart and it show in everything that she does.

  • Sharon O'ConnorBeautiful picture Sophie!

  • ValSophie is such a beautiful girl!! Her eyes just sparkle in this picture! I love it!!!

  • Jean DorakI absolutely love the twinkle in her eye! It captures her personality and she reminds me of her mom!!!!

  • Jerry GilbertAbsolutely Prescious!

  • AnneBeautiful!!

  • Mike cooperMy beautiful little girl!

  • Sophie cooperThank you everyone for voting for my picture!
    Love, sophie cooper

  • Sue Ellen DunbarI love this picture of Sophie! It’s very artistic!

  • Sandi CoghlanAMA knows you are beautiful inside as you are outside. You are a true Angel!

  • Jeffrey CoghlanSophie has such a zest for life. She is my cutiest patootiest. Boppas loves you.

  • CatherineSo cute!!

  • TraciWhat a cutie pie!

  • Jackie Tonon PangilinanWhat a sweet little munchkin! Sprightly and angelic- I love it!!

  • Miss KatieBeautiful baby! Absolutely love her <3

  • Evan HickernellCutest little girl ever! Miss her!

  • Valerie HollandtBeautiful pic of a beautiful girl by an awesome photographer!! Love it!!

  • ShannonLove it!

  • BJ CarnegieA very special little girl from a very special family. Go Sophie!

  • John RadiceLast minute vote here, hope I’m not too late!

  • Trisha MorehouseCan you say adorable?

  • Haley and VeronicaBFF Sophie!!! We love you!!! xoxoxo!! We can’t wait for the next sleepover with you!!

  • katebeautiful girl! What a winner 🙂

  • Elizabeth BrooksLove the picture!

  • StacWow! What a sweet precious beautiful daughter you have!! The JOY & LIFE I see in her face reminds me of you!

  • Lawrence BrooksGreat picture!

  • Miss AshlerSophie bug!!!

  • BrennahSophie is so cute! 🙂

  • AmberAww what a cutie pie!!

  • Karen BrownSophie, you are a special girl, good luck, I hope you win!!!!

  • Suellen SheardSophie’s eyes sparkle with the other colors in this picture…it’s amazing! I hope she wins the contest because it’s the best one! 🙂

  • BarbSophie…The sweetest angel ever !!!

  • SharonLove it!

  • Cousin GayleCan’t wait to meet you Love talking with Grampa Jeff. You take the greatest pictures.

  • Val DavisGo Sophie! You derserve to win this contest, you are so beautiful and loving!

  • jimAdorable

  • Aunt SylviaSophie’s kind heart shows through in this photo…

  • BJ2 Cute!!

  • jason blenisAwesome picture … She is going to be a heartbreaker lol ….

  • Colleen MondolfiGood Luck Sophie!!
    Contest or no contest Your a Winner!

  • Steph LisioLove her! Good luck!!

  • Lori GustinisSophie is so adorable and so photogenic!

  • John HowardGOOD LUCK Sophie!!! What a great picture!

  • Claudette DrankoskiJust adorable. She is definitely a “Token of Love”!