I don’t know about you but it seems the older my babies get the shorter the days seem! There are so many things on my to do list, and so many things I would love to accomplish but there is never enough time in the day. I am sure you have all felt this way from time to time (or everyday like Im feeling right now!) I am so thankful for our full days, I am thankful for healthy babies with lots of energy and for work that I love and that needs to be done. Yet I still struggle to balance it all. I am sure this is normal and maybe just a season until I figure out this new season of life of one at home and one in school and running three businesses.
It all goes by fast so fast and I know that I need to keep my children, husband and family and friends in front and number one even on the days when the list never seems to have an end. So I am on a quest to simplify a bit, to delegate and to weed out. I know my life will still be busy, will still be full and complicated but I want to seek more peace, to focus on joy and thankfulness more and to let the little things go!
My blog has always been a happy place for me to share and I have missed being here on a regular basis while life has called me in different directions. I am hoping to come back here again though more regularly, to clear my head, share our life and all the craziness we have going on and just tell our story a bit not only to share it with you but as a place for me to document this beautiful but messy life! So here’s to hoping to see you a lot more often and maybe I won’t be able to stop time from slipping by but I sure will try hard to document all of the blessings it brings our way!!