My name is Leah and I recently started working for Live Sweet! Horses and horseback riding are my passion and Lindsey asked me to share a little bit about what I’ve been doing with the kids!

I am all about horses, all the time! My family has had them on our property since I was a little girl, and I grew up learning how to ride on my stubborn little pony! After showing collegiately and helping run some trail riding programs, I can officially say that nothing is more fun or rewarding than the excitement of barrel racing! I race with my mom and my two sisters almost every weekend throughout the summer and fall and it’s our number one bonding time!

I think my favorite part of having horses is how fun and special it is to share with others! Noah and Libby have had so much fun learning how to ride. I think I’ve had just as much fun teaching them! Kids always have the sweetest connection with horses, I love seeing them interact. Horses can also be very therapeutic. It’s so cool to see the bond develop between horse and rider as they learn to work together.

The grey is my horse Caffeine, who I trained since she was born on the property in 2012. Each of the kids was able to ride her this time! Libby is such an adventurer and gets such a thrill out of riding! She really is a natural little rider! Learning to ride (and working with horses in general!) takes a lot of patience and it’s so cool to see Libby growing in that way. Noah loved riding as well! He trotted around the arena and is picking it up pretty quick!

I loved Finn’s reaction to being on Caffeine, at first he was unsure but once we started walking he kept asking to go faster!
Claire loved sitting on Caffeine! She is such a cutie and will be such a natural cowgirl someday! She has been very into her helmet lately, she wears it just for fun! So I think she definitely loved having a reason to toddle around in it! I can’t wait to see her riding a horse on her own someday!
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