Strawberry Fluff

It’s berry picking season and I’m so excited! I love to pick berries of all kinds for my family. I like to pick lots and lots of them and make yummy deserts and freeze the rest for us to eat over the winter. I know it’s a simple thing but it makes me feel so domestic! Today was a special picking day because we met Noah’s great papa B at the Strawberry patch so that we could pick together. Noah called it Strawberry hunting! We had perfect weather for picking, overcast but no rain and not to hot. We picked lots of berries and had a fun time together! One of my favorite memories of my grandmother B was when she would make Strawberry fluff with fresh picked Strawberries. I now love making it for my family. It is very easy to make and so yummy, especially when you add a little heavy cream when you serve it! I dressed mine up in a mason jar all cute and included the recipe for you below, I hope you get to try it with your fresh picked berries this year!


Strawberry Fluff

1 quart mashed berries

1/2 cup sugar

1 1/4 cup water

3 TBLS Tapioca

Mix the above and cook on medium until it comes to a full boil. Then boil for 1 minute. Let cool and serve with a little heavy cream.

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