I think right now it is really important to talk about our physical and mental health. With being in quarantine for months on end to seeing all these news articles that just bring so many unanswered questions and uncertainty, it is easy to say it has all been extremely stressful. There have been good days and then there have been bad. I really think it has taken a toll on all of us and that is okay. You aren’t in this alone and I think that is the most important thing to remember, we are in this together!
Talking about your mental and physical health is really important, right now especially. With everything going on people tend to lose sight of what is going on and fall into a slump. Some people may become depressed or even just have no ambition to do anything at all. I think it’s important to keep yourself active and your mind. To find a routine or groove that works for you and helps you cope with everything that is going on.
I know as a mom this has been extremely hard on me. Like I said, there are good days and bad days. You feel like you can’t get ahead and once you do, something happens and it’s just taking three steps backward. Trying to balance work and taking care of the animals, kids, housework, and just life has been exhausting. With so much happening around me, there have been things I have found that help to brighten my mood and make the day better. I have also found things for the kids to do that they really enjoy and bring them so much happiness.

Going outside
Enjoying the outdoors has been so helpful with getting me out of a slump. Just enjoying some fresh air and the sun shining on my face has been amazing. Just going outside for 20 minutes a day I think is super beneficial and it gives you some time to enjoy and take in nature.
The kids have been enjoying the outdoors as well. As soon as it’s warm enough outside they want to be out there all day! They have been enjoying playing with the animals, walking in the woods, chasing one another, going for bikes rides with Phil, and playing over at my parent’s house at the little pond and playground.
Phil has been working from home so it has given him so much more time with the kids. He loves taking them for bike rides and they enjoy it so much! They have so much fun racing each other and peddling around in the woods.

Going for a walk
Every day I have the kids go for at least a 20-minute walk. Usually, we take the dogs for a walk on this path that goes up behind the house. The kids enjoy it, but the dogs love it! It gives the kids one on one time with their dogs, but also some fresh air. It’s a great way to stay active and it really does put you in a better mood to just get away from the house for a few minutes.

Read a book or listen to your favorite podcast
I think it is a great idea to keep your mind busy. Reading your favorite book can help you take your mind off of everything and let you relax. Just absorb yourself into the pages you’re reading and enjoy yourself. Listening to your favorite podcast is another great way to relax and take your mind off of all the crazy.

Arts and crafts
Being creative and doing crafts is something my kids love to do. They love to color, make things with playdough, make slime, paint, and whatever crafty things they will love. It makes you concentrate and really have to focus o what you are doing. Noah has really been into building Legos, he is so amazing at it! He could sit there for hours making them and is just so absorbed into them, I love watching him do something that he loves!

I have always liked to bake, but with extra time recently I have been baking a lot more. It is something that the kids and I can do together and enjoy! We love making everything from cookies, cupcakes, cinnamon buns, coffee cake, and the latest hit has been popsicles! I make new popsicles just about every day, it has become a new obsession.

Whatever you decide to do make sure it brings you some happiness. We all deserve happiness right now and to really enjoy what we are doing. Keeping yourself busy physically and mentally is the best thing right now. I am a huge believer in treating yourself so when you finish something, treat yourself! Do what makes you happy and healthy. Remember we are all in this together and it is okay to have your bad days. Just try working through them the best you can and do some of the things I listed above and hopefully it will bring you some joy! Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk about those bad days or even the good days, we are in this together and here to support one another!
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