I am in a real packaging mood lately. I always love packaging but very rarely get to play with my supplies these days. Lately though I have decided I need to dedicate more time to creating. I used to think that was selfish of me but recently I have taken several online classes Inspired Child By Shannon Sewell and Bonjorganiztion By Kelli France that have been amazing and inspiring and have helped me see that it is so important for me to take time for the things that I love and that inspire me. If I want to be the best at each thing I do I need to give those things time. It doesn’t need to be a lot of time but I should be setting aside about 30 minutes to 1hr several times a week to let myself be inspired and work on something I love! I know I tend to put the mom guilt on myself and continuously push my time to the side to dedicate more and more to my children and as much as I want to give my kids everything I have I also have noticed that when I give myself a little time I am actually better to my kids. I tend to have a little more patience and a better attitude throughout the day if I’ve had a little time to get filled up myself!
I decided before I got my packaging on this week I would spend a little fun time on Pinterest and get some fun ideas! Of course I found a billion different fabulous things I want to do and now I have to narrow it down to like my two or three favorites but I am inspired and ready to get creating! I hope you find a little inspiration in these and take a few extra minutes this week to do something just for you!
Ruffle Packaging, Pom Pom Branch Gift Wrapping, Fabric Wrapped Envelope, Kraft Polka dot gift bag layered with scrappy goodness, Seed Bomb, Egg Carton Cuteness, Confetti filled Envelope, Gold Glitter Striped Drawstring Bag
Love, Lindsey