Oh how I love this baby! She is such a little joy! I hadn’t had my professional camera out since her newborn pictures and I was working on a homework assignment the other day so I had it out and Miss Libby just started smiling away so I decided to try and capture some of that cuteness!
While I have been enjoying so many things about the newborn stage I am sad to say that I have caught myself several times in the last few weeks wishing for later baby stages, for when she will be sleeping more through the night, sitting on her own and not being 100 percent dependent on me. I hate to think these things and I know that it isn’t even what I really want. I really want to enjoy her right now just as she is but sometimes I get tired or want to work on a project or just throw in a load of laundry and it seems to take me all day to do something that used to take me five minutes. I don’t like that I feel that way but I also know that it is natural as a mother of an infant to sometimes feel overwhelmed. That being said I have been thinking a lot about how I would rather feel and react and what the most important things are in life. I decided to work on being more joyous in my daily living, I would like to remind myself of why I am mother above all things and why I should choose joy and to sit and hold my sleeping baby and leave the dishes in the sink a little longer. I know this will not always happen or work because life must go on but I am going to try and not complain so much about being tired and be thankful that I have a healthy baby who wakes up every three hours to eat because she is a wonderful eater. I am going to sit a little longer to snuggle her when she sleeps because there is nothing better than a baby sleeping on your chest clinging to your shirt and I am so blessed to be wearing that shirt that she clings to. I am going to stare longer at her toothless smiles because I know it won’t be long before her little gums will not be the only thing showing through very soon. I have always tried to be a mom who cherished each stage but sometimes I need to be reminded and Libby reminded me and I am so glad she did! I will still have to do the laundry and the dishes and clean up the house but I will wait until the time is right and soak up some of those sweet moments first, the dirty dishes aren’t changing to much sitting in the sink but my babies sitting in my lap are.
I always tell anyone who has a new baby to enjoy every moment because they change so fast and the truth is they do. Libby is helping me grow as a mother each day and fills me with such overflowing joy! I am so blessed to be her momma and I love that she melts my heart each day with her sweetness!
SenecaYour positive outlook is so encouraging!! And these pictures made me smile! I need to find some time to come cuddle Libby (or do the dishes, but I think we both know i’d rather hold Libby ;p)!! xoxo
melissaLindsey, I love how you share your emotions and deepest part of your heart, it is inspiring! Love you