I have started a complete haul out of the house in preparation of our move this year. We aren’t expecting to be in the house and studio until the end of the year but I know things will move fast and since I will be moving an entire house and studio with a less than one year and five year old I feel that there is no such thing as being to prepared! I tend to have a hard time getting rid of things so I am having to be really tough on myself and only keep what I absolutely love and know I want for sure in the new house. I am doing pretty good so far I did all three bathrooms at the beginning of the week and threw out two trash bags full and gave away two bags full of things too! It is feeling good to de-clutter.
Yesterday I was home with the kids all day with nothing else on the schedule which is rare so I decided to tackle the front room slash mud room, slash playroom, slash hold all of my stuff that has no other home room. You can a image a tiny room with that many jobs was a bit of a doozy to go through but I am so glad I did. Once I tore the whole thing apart I decided I wanted it to be a room with one purpose and the thing we needed it for the most was a playroom so a playroom it has become. You all know I love to decorate and create and children’s spaces are my absolute favorites, so you can only imagine how many ideas my head is filled with right now and how much fun I am having dreaming of the final look! It is turning out wonderful so far, but there are a lot of details that need to be added. I have a few ideas for some fun crafting projects I want to make for the room so I hope to get to them in the next week. So far I have the room about 80 percent done with things I have around the house which I love. I love how you can move something around or pull something out that you’ve had stashed away for awhile and put it in a new place and it feels like new again! Now I get to have a little fun shopping for a couple of new items for the room. I of course headed right over to The Land of Nod for some inspiration and found a million things that I would love for the new playroom! Unfortunately for me and The Land of Nod all of these items will not fit into the small room that is the playroom but we will start with a few favorites and add to them when we have a large play area in the new house.
I love The Land of Nod for so many reasons, they are definitely one of my go to places for all home decorating ideas. They just have such a sweet whimsical, child like style. I am in love with how they mix vintage and modern and how they carry such unique items. The next time you are redecorating I highly recommend taking a peek on their website or in their catalog for ideas because they always decorate and organize their rooms so cute!
I will be sharing more inspiration for the playroom next week and then hopefully within the next week or so I will have a finished product to show you! Can’t wait!