Noah’s Baptism


An answer to my prayers

Our sweet sweet Noah is ten years old and has one of the kindest and loving personalities I’ve ever seen. He is such a good big brother, he’s always thinking of others, he’s my big helper and he loves with his whole heart! A few months ago he asked if he could be baptized at our church. Of course, my heart lept with joy. Noah prayed for forgiveness and to invite Jesus into his heart awhile ago. Now he wanted to share his big decision with the world! This is a mama’s answer to prayer. It is what I’ve wanted most for my children before they were even born; to love the Lord with their whole heart and live it out in the world!

Noah and Lindsey

Noah did the planning

He was so excited about his Baptism! He did all the planning and asking about all the details on his own. I loved that he was making it completely his own. He asked the pastors’ questions, wrote his testimony and was on top of all the details!

Live Sweet Family

Sharing his love for the Lord

He chose to get baptized in front of our whole church congregation. He wanted to share his love for the Lord with everyone in hopes that others would come to love God too! I, of course, cried my eyes out before, during and after! The baptism was just so so beautiful and seeing my boy up there on stage melted my heart!! I’m so proud of him and his amazing heart for God!! I know that Noah will do amazing things with his life. I just can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for him!

We have so many wonderful family and friends to thank for being part of Noah’s life and helping bring him to this place in his life. I always say it takes a village! I know that this answered prayer came about due to so many wonderful people in Noah’s life who have loved on him, prayed for him and with him and helped teach about God’s love! We are truly blessed and I will never forget this special day of celebration for our Sweet boy!!

Phil, Lindsey, Noah and pastors at church during the baptism

Phil recorded Noah’s baptism and I can’t watch it without smiling from ear to ear. I wanted to share it here with all of you!! I hope you enjoy it!

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Lindsey and Noah
Noah's Baptism Story
Noah's Baptism
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