My definition of a sweetheart contest!

Ok everyone I am very excited to see all your little ones answers but no one has posted them on here. Please post them up so you can win cute Valentines and I can talk about how cute your kids are!

All you have to do to enter this contest is include your child’s answer and their age either on this blog, or facebook post or send it in an email to me. We are extending this contest to this Wednesday the 26th, we will then choose two winners through our judges favorite answers.

The winners will receive 10 treat bags topped with either a custom valentine with their picture on it if you have had your child’s picture done at UI in the last year or it will just include a cute design and their name. We will also be using some of our favorite quotes on some of our marketing pieces for this year so who knows your little ones cuteness may make it in print!

We also have a few openings left to do Valentines sessions next week if anyone is interested and we will be selling the little treat bag toppers if you are interested in purchasing some for your little valentines!

I am so excited to hear what all of your little ones have to say!

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  • SenecaMy little brother (6) said that a sweetheart is someone who you love and take care of….

  • nicoleJames (5) said, “a grandma”. Annika (7) said “us”.