Hi there loves, I’m so excited for our first day in the Lounge, today we are talking about Motivational Monday and how I tackle the beginning of the week to try and have the best week.
If you work out of your home then Sunday afternoons might be better for working on this list. I often times split it between Sunday and Monday.
Monday hustle
-since I work from home it’s important to me that the house is in decent shape before I get to work so Monday mornings we always start by throwing in a load of laundry, making sure the kitchen is cleaned up and the kids usually do a 15 minute cleanup Sunday evening or Monday morning(I will do a live on kids helping out around the house soon, so let me know if you have any particular questions for that) We also do morning animal chores and any other little straightening up that got missed over the weekend. My house is more often then not falling apart but it makes me feel more productive when things are working well and put together so starting off the week with a somewhat put together house makes me happy and gets my productive juices flowing.
-clean out your inbox and respond to emails. I like to start fresh on Mondays so if I have any emails from the previous week or weekend that need to be answered I try to get them out first thing Monday morning, I also go through and delete any unneeded emails so that I have a clean slate and anything new coming in doesn’t pile on top of the old.
-make a list of the most important things that need to get done this week and do those things first, schedule any meetings or calls that need to happen before your week fills up, both Fil and I make sure we schedule in the fun things as well as the work things which means we schedule time with friends or date nights, fun time with kids, not just meetings or work deadlines. There is a time for work and a time for play and they are both important!
-productive Mondays usually help lead to a happier, productive week so try and get as much done as you can on Monday without over scheduling or over exhausting yourself.
I hope these few tips help start your week off right and I can’t wait to share more here tomorrow! Do you have anything that you incorporate into your Monday to try and make your week run more smoothly?