We are so honored to be included in the Country Sampler Farmhouse Style magazine! It has been a dream of ours to have a part of our home featured in a magazine. Years ago, I got to do an article in Where Women Create Business. This feature included my office and business, and ever since then, I have dreamt of having my family included in a beautiful home magazine. So, when they reached out me from Country Sampler I was so excited! Originally we had planned a Christmas shoot, and when that didn’t work out we rescheduled into doing something on the farm. We were thrilled!

The timing was perfect because when they reached out to us, we had planned on painting the barn, redoing the chicken coop, and had tons of yard work underway. Many of you followed along as we built and painted fences and worked on renovating our playhouse. We were on a timeline to finish but we couldn’t share it with all of you because it was for the magazine! This was a year ago, and we haven’t been able to let the secret out until now!

This photoshoot was a blast, the kids loved it! It was beautiful outside and really just felt like another dreamy day out on the farm. I couldn’t imagine a better scenario to have all these gorgeous photos taken! We really feel like the photographers did an amazing job showing our family with the animals. They allowed the kids to be themselves and were able to capture their fun personalities and these very special moments in our lives.

For me, working with a magazine is a unique experience because I’m typically on the other side of the camera. I loved seeing what their creative eye came up with and how they followed a concept through to publishing. When we were interviewed for the article, it was hard to tell how it would turn out in end, but I feel that they captured our family and our story so well! This is something we will look back for many years to come.

During this time of social distancing, I’m especially missing the excitement of going to the store, buying a bunch of magazines, and taking all the pictures I can get. Visiting friends and sharing with them about the magazine would definitely make this time even sweeter. With this in mind, we wanted to do something special for our online community! I’ve linked the magazine here so you can purchase and display this beautiful magazine in your home. We are also going to be giving away 10 issues over on Instagram so make sure you follow us there and watch our stories for a chance to win!

This sweet feature has brought us so much joy and we hope it brings you a smile, whether you order a copy of your own, or pick on up at your local grocery store!
Of course, my parents are so proud to have our farm featured. Right around the time they were hoping to snag a few for themselves, a friend spotted 4 copies in the store. That day she picked them all up! The sweetest part of this is to share the fun with friends and family.

The magazine feature has been such a surreal and fun experience, I hope you’ll all get to read and enjoy it! Let us know what you think!
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