Bunnies are definitely a favorite at our house, and I have had so many over the years. I love finding new enclosures for my bunnies and decorating the bunny enclosure in adorable pastels. Ever since I was young, I’ve enjoyed raising bunnies, and it’s been such a special thing to share with the kids. It warms my heart to see Libby’s love for animals, especially the bunnies! Providing a good cage environment is something that comes along with being a bunny owner, so today I want to share some of the essentials in putting together a bunny enclosure, as well as ways that you can be creative with the process!

We have tried all different kinds of bunny cages and enclosures over the years, and this one we have now is by far our favorite. This is made from a bed frame we enclosed to create a cage. My husband then added shelving and ramps so the bunnies could go up and down as they please. This has been amazing, we put down new laminated flooring that way it is easier to clean up after the bunnies! This bunny cage has been amazing for when we bring new babies into the house. It has the perfect amount of room for them to play around in.

We purchased a hay feeder, litter box, food, and water holder. With indoor rabbit enclosures, it’s important to have a litter box. We litter train all of our indoor bunnies because it makes clean up so much easier! We have a water bottle for some of our bunnies, but not all of them. Bunnies like to lounge so we decided to buy them a hammock.

Bunnies like to have somewhere to hide, as they would in nature. This is why we have included another bunny tower. We wanted them to have something they can go in to feel safe and protected. Our bunnies love the levels! It’s fun for them to be able to go up the ramps, it gives them extra room to play around. We also let them out for supervised playtime, so either when I’m working up in my office, or Libby wants to spend some time with them, we let them out so they can have exercise and time out of their enclose. Make sure they have that opportunity for playtime to hop around.

I have been searching on Pinterest for years, finding inspiration to create the best indoor bunny enclosures. I have included of some of my favorite ideas and tips for building your own, as well as some particularly impressive enclosures we can marvel at! There are so many different way to build them, whether you’re starting from scratch or using existing cages and enclosures and revamping them. I hope this inspires you to create a fun little home your bunnies love!
Indoor Bunny Hutch Inspiration
I love this bunny hutch tour from PoleenYoga! It’s similar to ours in structure, and she makes the cutest little teepees for the bunnies to snuggle in!

One of my favorite hutches I found for inspiration is from One Day At A Time. She turns a piece of antique furniture into a rabbit hutch, and it turned out great!

Here is a similar idea from Everything About Rabbit Hutches. This dresser has tile down for easy cleanup and doors that open with wire caging. So cute and functional!

One option for a bunny environment is just to enclose an area on the floor. This one from Langohrwelt has areas for the bunnies to hide and climb, so it has the necessitates, and even more space for them to run around!

I hope this brought you lots of inspiration to create your own indoor bunny enclosure! Looking to get your own bunny? We have the perfect post for you! Read all about the basics of rabbit care here.

Pin this idea for later!

AngelaDo you have directions to make the enclosure? It’s amazing!!
LindseyHey love, the enclosure we actually bought and then we painted it and but some wire on it. For the ramps we just took some wood that we had leftover and screwed it together!
BrookeThis is so helpful! My daughter just got a giant Flemish baby and we are so excited about making it cute things! Just love the bunny cage and the room! Thank you for sharing what you did and pointing us in the right direction!
Amy McCallwhere did you buy the enclosure?
LindseyHi love, we actually made the enclosure!
Hannah VisserWhat size was the bedframe you used to make this? I’m looking at different beds, but they all look so big!
LindseyIts a Full size mattress frame!
DollyI’m so confused how a mattress fame became this? Did you purchase extra wood.l make the roof like a house?
LindseyHey love! This isn’t our bunny enclosure that was made out of a mattress frame, that is in a different blog post!
Where did you bye itWhere did you buy it
Do you have instructions on how to make this enclosure? (The pink with the sloping roof and mint green blanket on top?) Or is this the one you purchased and added wire to? If so, where did you purchase?? Looking to recreate this exact enclosure but I’m not very handy
AmberI want to make a bunny enclosure like yours just having a hard time finding a bed frame in my price range please help what size wood do I need for door and levels
AmberWhere did you purchase this enclosure?!
LindseyMy husband made it!
Angie KossanWhat size is this? I LOVE this and would like to make it for my bunny, she is also a class pet and this would be adorable at home and at school!!
NicholeHi! Looks amazing! Did you make the cube tower for hiding and the hay holder?
MegHello! I love your esthetic., all the colors are perfection. Do you have any posts or directions on how you built your amazing indoor rabbit enclosure? I need something like this for our bunny. Thanks!
LindseyNo, I believe I bought them off of Amazon!
KendraHi there!! I am confused on whether you bought the enclosure or you made it. Cause you are saying both and it is confusing. if you made it, do you have a article on how you made it? and if you bought it where did you buy it from?
LindseyHey Kendra! The enclosure showed my husband made for me so I am not sure on measurements or anything for it, sorry about that!
JessThe little wooden barn with mint roof, where is that from? Is it just a child’s toy?
LindseyYes! just like a dollhouse toy that we painted
PaigeDo you have measurements?