I love Target!

Doesn’t everyone! I mean it is the place were you can get almost everything you need and most of it is pretty stinkin cute so it’s like a bonus! I love to just walk around and look at all the new things they have. The home dec, kitchen and seasonal sections are my favorites. Noah is now also a big Target fan as he loves the toys! I have found so many great little gifts to use for UI while browsing through the isles. I also love the little dollar bins that are right were you walk in, you know the ones I’m talking about, because you just never know what you might find there. Im always so excited to see what new goodies they will have in those bins. We have gotten adorable pencils, clipboards, tins & even some foam swords for Noah.

My house has little bits of Target scattered through out it from baskets, to adorable plates, cups, cute and functional storage and more. On one of my more recent trips to Target I had to pick up some of these adorable packaging products because they just look like me don’t they? I am not sure what I am going to do with them yet but I probably won’t be using them to pack up any gifts because I won’t be able to part with them. I think I may store some of my office goodies in them, aren’t they lovely?!?!

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