I thought this sounded like an adorable children’s book which is my I had to title this post “Always kiss your donkey goodnight”! I never knew donkeys could be so sweet. We have been having so much fun getting to know the personalities of our new donkey babies and this little Milo is such a lover. He just wants to be petted and to rub up against you and nuzzle with you all day long. I snapped these pictures of him and Libby the other day and I could not be any more in love with them! I am always pleasantly surprised at the different personalities and dispositions that each animal has. Learning things they like and dislike and what makes them happy. I love watching them interact with each other and with the kids. Sometimes it takes a little time to warm up but once they do all the fences come down and their cute little quirks shine through. The animals make Libby so happy, she loves to talk with them and I love how she uses her cute little animal baby voice just like I do! She can’t help but smile when she’s around them and I can’t help but smile even more watching them together!
Always kiss your donkey good night!
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