Remember those teeny baby chicks we hatched a little over a month ago?! Well they are growing up so fast and have moved out to their new little coop by Omlet! They moved in a few weeks ago and are loving it. The Omlet coop is so amazing because it comes from the post in pieces and whithin a few hours you can have the whole thing assembled. I actually assemble this one all by myself, which says a lot because I am not so good at following directions or putting things together, that’s usually Fils job.
Noah is my big helper when it comes to the chickens, he let’s them out most mornings and helps me catch the few stragglers at night who haven’t learned to fly back in the coop yet. This coop set up is best for just three or four full grown chickens, but can accommodate more while they are just babies. Our chicks will be free range once they get a little bigger and then we will use this coop for our baby ducks!
One of my favorite parts about the Omlet coop is that it is movable. It has wheels so every couple days we move our chicks to a new location after we tuck them in at night so that they have fresh grass to play in the next day. I also love that you can purchase fencing extenders to make the outdoor space even bigger. I just ordered an extender for this coop so now my chicks will have even more room to play! This coop and fencing is extremely safe and hardy to keep predators away which makes me so happy as we often have several lurking around at night.
It has three different access doors which makes it great for cleaning and being able to get to your chickens quickly anytime you might need to. It’s perfect for the backyard chicken owner and even has a nest box for your laying hens. If you are looking to add a few chickens to the family I highly recommend you looking into Omlet, their products are all wonderful, you can’t go wrong!
This post was sponsored by Omlet but all views and writing are my own.