Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of year and I enjoy celebrating with many fun family traditions! A tradition that I love most is being with my family. We spent Christmas weekend with my parents, my husband’s parents and our siblings. We had a wonderful time with family and friends and the kids had a great time with everyone as well. Watching them soak up all the attention, love, and of course, our favorite—GIFT GIVING, fills my heart with such deep joy. So many fond memories were created with everyone this Christmas. This year, one thing that I am so thankful for is that everyone was healthy! With this being sweet Claire’s first Christmas, having her and other new baby cousins around made this year an extra special one for our families.

Another one of my favorite traditions is having the kids wait downstairs before they can come up and see all their presents! We do a display Christmas so none of their gifts are wrapped—they just get to walk in the room and see everything! It’s always so fun to watch and I love seeing the excitement on their faces. My parents did the display Christmas when I was child and I loved it so much that I decided to adopt it into my own family. Today, my parents live next door to us and are always part of our Christmas morning. It means the world to me having them be part of that magical moment in experiencing all the wonder the children bring to Christmas.

After gifts are finished the rest of our day consist of all of us hanging out in our jammies and watching the kids try on all their new outfits. We also spend time with the kids putting together and playing with all their new toys and eating yummy treats. My parents kind of go back and forth throughout the day but always make sure to be around for when we play games. Its one of my favorite days of the year where we can all be home spending time together and just enjoy the day. This year was no exception! It was so magical and fun and we all had such a great time.

Some of their favorite presents from this year’s Christmas celebration were my son Noah’s game of Twister. He has been asking for this game and at the end of the

I always take the time to capture these special moments on film but also try not to be too occupied behind the camera. It’s important for me to make sure I am in the moment but also want to make sure I capture a few videos and photos of our time so we can look back on the memories we created together as a family. The kids always talk about how they can’t wait to put on their Christmas pajamas and loom at the steps before coming up the stairs, wondering where everything will be set up in the room for Christmas morning. They especially love that we leave Christmas cookies for Santa and look forward to reading a special note from him that lets us know that he found the delicious cookies we made for him. It warms my heart hearing them get so excited talking about all these fun traditions we have that makes our Christmas day so memorable, and I love that they look forward to these special shared moments and traditions of the season.