On Friday evening we had a fun knight and dragon themed birthday party for Noah! Due to the rainy weather we had the party at our house instead of outside. It was a little crazy here but we all had a ball! There was a lot of sword fighting, castle coloring, lots & lots of candy eaten! Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us, we were so glad you could all be here on Noah’s special day! Noah is super into sword fighting right now so he was so thrilled to have all of his friends armed and sword fighting throughout the house. I got one of those cardboard castles and set it up for the kids to color, it was so fun to see what they all colored and they also used the castle as a fort and hiding place for the sword fighting! I found fun candy for the theme, long green licorice for dragon tales, white jelly beans as dragon eggs, we had chocolate gold coins for the knights money, mini fire balls for those fire breathing dragons. I even found chocolate that looked like rocks from a dragon cave. For a fun craft each of the kids made a sock hobby horse, these turned out great and the kids loved making them and playing with them! Noah had a ball and is still in recovery mode from all of the fun he had!
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