We are getting started!

I am so excited to announce that we have started moving forward on house and studio plans! We have been meeting with an architect for several months and have our plans almost complete. We have the spot all picked out and this past weekend Fil and Noah started digging the holes for our Perk test. Things are moving forward and I am getting so excited! I decided to take some pictures of Noah playing down by the edge of the water where he will someday play in his own yard. It is amazing to think that soon this forest will contain our home! It will be a whirlwind seeing it all come together I am sure but for now I want to enjoy each little step along the way that will go into creating a new home for my family!

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  • SenI love these pictures, they will be so awesome to have down the road once you have the house built!
    Pretty soon I won’t have to be afraid to fall off the tube on that side of the lake since your house will be there!:p Seeing the pictures of the lake is just making me more anxious for our summer to begin!!!

  • AvenleaSo exciting, Lindsey!