We have been having so much fun getting ready for mermaid month! We decided to do July as mermaid month since we had all of these amazing designs that we created back in the fall. We wanted something special for our Live Sweet line and as soon as we saw these gorgeous designs we just knew we needed a whole month to celebrate!

These products have started to launch in our Live Sweet Loves group on Facebook. We have a launch every Thursday that contains different products each time. Some products that we have are snuggle blankets, brand new mermaid cutieloos, mermaid dolls in sleeping bags, peg dolls, and so much more coming this month so get excited!!

Aside from our launch for Live Sweet Shop, we plan to have some mermazing recipes, DIY’s, and more product! We are just getting started with all of the mermaid fun. We will be sharing more over the next few weeks and we hope you guys will all love it!

Make sure you join our Live Sweet Loves group on Facebook so you don’t miss out on your chance to shop these goodies! You will get sneak peeks throughout the week leading up to Thursday of what we plan on selling and make sure you are on and shop quick! These beauties are going quick and you will be so in love with your product once you get your hands on it! This month is going to be so fun and so special so make sure to come and join us!

Join our Live Sweet Loves group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1795086970751625
Follow our Live Sweet Shop page on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livesweetshop/