Life with our sweet baby!

We have been busy here as usual and are doing very well adjusting to life with baby! We have had quite a few visitors come to see our precious little girl and some of our besties even made a trip up from VA to welcome our little love! Noah is more and more in love with Libby every day and being very helpful with her. She still wont let me put her down so I am not getting much done other than enjoying cuddles, but I can handle that for now! Miss Libby is starting to sleep a little better at night now going 3 to 4hrs between feedings rather than just 2 like she was in the beginning. I am very thankful for that but still totally sleep deprived while we adjust as all new mothers are. She is starting to stay awake more now during the day which is fun because her little personality is just starting to show a little and I am so excited to see what it will be like and she turned one month old last week if you can believe that! It is amazing how the time just flies, I try not to rush through any phase in a childs life or be anxious for the next as I know they all go by way to quickly but I do have to say if I am looking forward to anything it is to see her smile and hear her laugh a real smile and laugh for the first time. There is just nothing like a baby giggle and I can’t wait to hear little Libby’s giggle soon!

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