Thursday’s have seemed to turn into my baking days. I try to usually bake something once a week and lately it has always been on a Thursday. Do you have a certain day you bake on or just whenever you get the urge?
Lately, we have been trying to be healthier, healthier snacks and treats with less sugar than normal. So I decided I wanted to make my own Vanilla pudding and whipped cream so I can control how much sugar would be added, but also homemade is just so much better! I cut back some sugar, but it is a dessert after all and what is a dessert without sugar.
For the Vanilla Pudding you will need:
- 1 block cream cheese 8oz
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 4tbsp softened butter (1/4) cup
In a mixer cream together the cream cheese, butter, and powdered sugar. Then let it sit
On the stovetop bring to a boil:
- 1 tbsp corn starch
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 2 cups milk
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tbsp butter
- 1tsp. Vanilla
Constantly stirring, once well combined and brought to a boil, remove from heat and let the mixture cool.
For the Whipped cream you will need:
- 1 pint heavy cream
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 tbsp powdered sugar

Add all ingredients to a mixer and beat until your desired consistency.
Once the Vanilla pudding mixture has cooled combine it with the Cream Cheese mixture. Then stir in the whipped cream with a spatula. Put the mixture into little bowls to serve then top with crushed Oreos!

This is a fun treat that many kids have already come to love. I hope you enjoy it! If you decide to make this recipe we would love to see it! Tag us in your posts on Instagram @livesweet and use the hashtag #livesweetrecipes for a chance to be featured in our stories!

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