The birthday girl had a fabulous day! As I am sure most of you saw we have had a lot going on around here lately! Miss Libby and Pearl’s pictures and story has been on Good Morning America, The Huffington Post, Bored Panda and more! It’s a little crazy but very exciting at the same time!
Noah had a two hour delay on her birthday so we got to have some extra brothey cuddles before school! In the evening we had a little close adult family and friends party which was very fun. We are having her little friend party in a week and I cannot wait to show you all the cuteness for that!!
Libby loved all of her presents and I had so much fun girlify things up even more to celebrate her big day! Head over to our Instagram page to see more about the fabulous small handmade shops that we got lots of Libby’s goodies from!
To see more adorable videos and subscribe to our You Tube Channel click here!
Liz @ Downtown DemureHi there! I found you via Buzzfeed, and I’m so glad I did. Your blog is such a joy to view and read. Your family is precious, and I really want you to decorate my whole house. Love your style!
N. OtulanaI absolutely LOVE her doll. Where did you get it from pretty please and thank you
SharonWhat adorable children. Your truly blessed!
Vanie L.I came across the pictures of your daughter on Pinterest and just couldn’t resist and went to see more on Instagram. I couldn’t comment there since I don’t have an account myself, and that’s why I’m here. I had to tell you how happy I feel for you and your family – and particularly for this little girl who is obviously treated like a princess – although I hope in the future she’ll prefer to be called Madam President instead! 🙂
P.S.: You know that cute little pig will grow up, right?