Crazy Crayons

Crazy Crayons- Martha Stewart
Mini Cake Tins (heart, star, circle shaped, etc.)
Kitchen knife
Old Crayons

Chop crayons into pea size pieces. Preheat the oven to 150′ while children fill the tin with crayon pieces.
Bake just until wax has melted, about 15-20 minutes.
Remove the shapes after they have cooled. If they stick to the pan, place the tray in the freezer for an hour, and the crayons will pop out.

This is a great way to use up old broken crayons.  The crayons are also easy for little guys to hold onto, and can be in such a variety of colors that they look like beautiful rainbows.  Mixing colors like  different reds and oranges together makes a perfect crayon for sunsets. It’s exciting to break through each new layer of crayon and find a different color waiting underneath.
This was a very easy craft to make, and kids can be very involved in the process.

Have a fresh and fun day!

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  • Lewis FamilyLindsey,

    We can’t wait to try these fun crayons! The boys will be excited to have a new project! Thank you for all the neat ideas!