We have been busy recently making a variety of fun products for you to enjoy as thank you gifts for telling your friends about UI.
To get involved and enter your name into our contest, here’s how it works!
1) Forward our UI Newsletter to 5 of your friends
2) Comment on here, and tell everyone what you like most about our work
Follow those two simple steps, and you will be entered into our contest to win a Free Personalized Post It Note Pad. These are adorable polka dot books with your child’s picture on the front cover. They are great to slip into a purse, or to leave next to the phone for important messages.
Oh so cute cowboy & cowgirl sessions!
This Limited Edition Session will be held on Saturday, September 11th
These are wonderful sessions for boys and girls but are especially fun for those little men in your life! We do these sessions out in a field with some fun furniture. These sessions are great for newborns and up. Last year we photographed some older kids as well, and had a blast. This would be a great one for tweens and teens too! Call today to book your session 570.267.4914