BYW An Inspirational Blogging Course

I am so happy to be taking a wonderfully inspirational online blogging class right now! Blogging has become this amazing part of my life that I would have never expected to have, a reason to search for inspiration in my daily life and a reason to share my inspirations with others! I am so thankful for what blogging has turned into for me. When I started it was for my business, a way to share sneak peeks and what was going on at UI but now it is so much more! This is a place I can share special things about my life, a place where I can post fun DIY’s to share with you and a place to tell sweet stories about my little Noah. I have gone from feeling like it is a chore to blog to being so excited about what to write about next. I feel that one of the big changing points in my blog and what it meant to me came from taking a Blogging Your Way class last fall that I enjoyed tremendously, it was exactly the inspiration I needed to change my blogging world. It gave me confidence to blog in my own voice, it gave me direction to start tying things together and it made me feel that my blog had a purpose even if it was just to preserve my own memories or share a sweet picture with a friend. It was a great class and now I am back for Blogging Your Way Boot Camp and am already loving it! Thank you so much Holly for doing such a great job and sharing your wonderful blogging knowledge with all of us and thank you to all of you who stop in to see what’s going on and brighten my day!

A few of my favorite inspirations that I have had the honor of sharing here over the last year!



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  • Dawn@joyfulscribblingsHI, I’m a fellow BYW Boot Camp student. I love your photo collage!

  • JaclynHello from BYW – such a beautifully designed blog you have here, love the photos!

    x Jaclyn

  • Jenni (Museum Diary)Hello – just popping over from BYW to say hello. I love this colourful collage, such beautiful photos! Enjoy the course. Best wishes, Jenni