Buttermint treat bag (HANDMADE FOR THE HOLIDAYS)

Hi Everyone, I am so sorry for missing last weeks handmade for the holidays, I was traveling in the DC area for Christmas sessions and had lots of catching up to do when I got home. I did more Christmas decorating today while I was home with Noah and I got some serious Christmas shopping done while I was traveling last week. It is so exciting to have a little head start on things for the holidays!

This weeks Handmade for the Holidays is a sweet treat. As most of you know candy is one of my biggest weaknesses! I not only love how yummy it tastes I also love how cute and pretty it is! I think I like looking at it as much as I like eating it and this weeks project is no exception.

I purchased the doile’s at my local craft store. The cute polka dot bags came from Nashville Wraps, and the cupcake cups are from Shop Sweet Lulu.

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  • SenecaI love this idea! The buttermints look delicious and beautiful in the packaging!