Free Adoption Resources & Support
For years I’ve dreamed of putting together a haven for all things adoption. Finally, this dream has come true! We have put together a free adoption resource that anyone can download.

Within this course, you will find information on adoption, fostering and so much more. We share our own Live Sweet adoption journey including stories from each of our adoptions. Several lovely adoptive and foster Mama’s have contributed their own heartfelt stories which are a must-read! Plus, have lists of materials to help prep yourself and your family for this new adventure.

Not adopting but have a loved one who is? There is information here for you too! Have questions and don’t know who to ask them to? Each of our articles has a section for comments, please feel free to ask away!

We are beyond thrilled to start this journey with you full and cannot wait to start the conversation! The course has lovingly been named, A Walk of Hope, and we hope it inspires all of you! Comment on this post with your thoughts and let us know if you have any issues getting started!
Lindsey & the Live Sweet Team