Last week we took a little trip down to Lancaster for our girls (and Noah) getaway! We had such a ball just hanging out, shopping and spending time together. It was myself, Noah, my mom, a good friend of my mothers, my assistant Seneca and her sister. We love Lancaster it is such a sweet place to visit and there are so many fun things to down there. We started out with some shopping in Lititz which is full of cute little shops! We then headed to our little house that we stayed in for the week The Olde Homestead Suites (which is an absolutely amazing place to stay). It is right across from a fish pond were we would take Noah to feed the fish and ducks everyday! We were spoiled each morning with wonderful homemade breakfast served in the Homestead dining room. We spent our days on the train over in Strousburg, visiting farms and petting zoos, antiqueing and shopping. In the evening we would all settle in and watch movies while we each worked on fun little craft projects. There was lots of snacking on yummy treats, laughing, giggling and more laughing! Noah had a ball being surrounded by five women who all love him and doted on his every need! One of his and my favorite things was visiting a miniature horse farm. They had baby foals that we got to pet and hold, it was so special because Noah loves horses! He also loved the petting zoo that was right up the road from where we stayed where we got to feed baby goats, llamas, sheep and more!
We did lots of shopping at the outlets and went to downtown Lancaster for some fabulous finds! There were also tons of antique stores to check out where I found a few cool props that you will all be seeing soon! And since we were only 10 minutes away from Target we somehow ended up there everyday (I wonder how that happened?!?)!!
It was so wonderful to have some time to just be, relax & spend time with good friends & family.
We missed all of you though and can’t wait to get back in the swing of things. We have quite a few big announcements coming up here at UI that we can’t wait to share with all of you as well as our awesome senior model session coming up so be sure to keep checking in to see all the excitiment!
Noah loved watching the horse and buggy’s go by. He also had fun playing baseball in the yard in his superhero cape!
After searching and searching Seneca finally found the perfect sunglasses and they are perfect for her, so cute!
One of our craft projects! These are for all of you, can’t wait to start giving them out!
Lots of fun was had by all!
SenecaLindsey-I had so much fun on this trip with you guys! I hope it’s the first of many! It’s exactly what was needed to get our creative juices & energy flowing right?! 😉 I’m super excited for everything that’s coming up with UI, it’s going to be AMAZING!!!!