This years sweet fluff dress up has been a little different then other years. I have never had a new baby in the house when trying to plan all the costumes. It’s made for some extra cute and fun costumes, but it’s also been extra exhausting and I haven’t been able to do nearly as many of the creative ideas as I’ve wanted to. I get down on myself so often thinking, “why didn’t I get this one done or you you forgot to order that costume and now you can’t do that idea.” I feel like I’m living in a constant state of needing to remind myself to give myself extra grace. Grace is one of my favorite words and I am often eager to give others grace, but offering it to myself can be much more difficult at times. I’m such a planner and dreamer and when I don’t accomplish my goals I get upset and annoyed with myself. I know that none of you are upset with me for not coming up with more cute costume ideas, nor do you even know what costumes I didn’t get around to doing, but yet somehow I still feel that I’ve let you and myself down. This obviously doesn’t just apply to the sweet dress up series, it happens over and over in my daily life as I’m sure it does in many of yours too, because often as women and mothers we never feel we can give enough. So today I’m reminding myself to offer ME some grace, to be happy and proud of myself for the things I have gotten done and accomplished during this beautiful, yet exhausting newborn phase and to tell you to do the same for yourself! We honestly can’t do it all, or be everything to everyone, so let’s not beat ourselves up over the things we can’t get done and be excited and thankful about the things we can. Everything in life has a season and I’m trying oh so hard to embrace each of those seasons and love all the little things that come along with them!
I hope you’ve enjoyed 2018’s sweet fluff dress up, know that I work so hard to spread lots of smiles while I’m coming up with and photographing all these sets, and it makes me so glad to see you guys enjoy the images. This year I embraced Claire in this precious baby phase by dressing her in simple , yet adorable costumes and spent less time designing unique more labor some costumes, but next year will be a new year with lots more fun to come up with and share!!
Xo and thank you all for your continued love and support! XO Lindsey
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